Regina Higdon Scholarship

Scholarship Info


February 1, 2025

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Regina Higdon Scholarship and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

To provide financial assistance to students pursuing a specific field of study and who are most in need.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must be graduating eighth graders of Christ the King School and/or former graduates of Christ the King School attending Father Ryan High School or St. Cecilia Academy; must have at least a 2.5 GPA or equivalent; must exhibit a love for the arts.

How Winners are Selected

Recipients are selected based on academic records, test scores, extracurricular activities, work experience, community involvement, recommendations about leadership and character, merit, financial need.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:

Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
3833 Cleghorn Ave., Ste. 400
Nashville, TN 37215-2519

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