Diversify the Future Scholarship

Scholarship Info



# of Recipients:



February 28, 2026

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Diversify the Future Scholarship and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

We’re steadfast in our commitment to inspire, educate and empower individuals passionate about pursuing a STEM career. Our mission at Diversify the Future is to remove the barriers faced by under-represented students in STEM and empower young people with the confidence to rise, advance and excel in STEM careers.

We connect people from under-represented backgrounds to access education opportunities in STEM through our scholarship funding.

Qualification Requirements

* High school seniors applying to bachelor’s degree program for science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM), enrolling in Fall 2025.
* A member of an under-represented group (including but not limited to underrepresented racial or ethnic populations, women, low income, individuals with disabilities, etc).
* Applicants must currently reside in the Greater Chicagoland area but may apply to any U.S university or college.

How Winners are Selected

At Diversify the Future, our scholarship selection process is comprehensive and considers both merit and the unique needs of underrepresented individuals in STEM. We are committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity in the pursuit of STEM careers, and our selection criteria reflect this commitment.

Recipients are chosen based on merit and a genuine passion for their chosen field of study in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). The selection committee reviews applicants’ achievements, extracurricular activities, and future aspirations to identify those who show promise as future contributors to their respective STEM disciplines. At Diversify the Future Foundation, we recognize the challenges faced by underrepresented groups in access to STEM education and careers. As such priority will be given to applicants who face economic and/or social barriers or challenges to STEM education. This includes individuals from underrepresented racial or ethnic populations, women, those with disabilities, and individuals from low-income backgrounds.

Organization Information:


(312) 682-9485

Email Contact:


Diversify the Future Foundation
444 North Wells Street

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